PE Funding
PE Funding
PE Funding
Term Dates
At St. Michael’s C of E Primary, we believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge-base in English, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the primary curriculum. We believe that a secure basis in literacy skills is crucial to a high-quality education and will give our children the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society.
We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children enjoy and take pride in their writing and where they understand their writing can give them a voice. In addition, we want our children to feel like their writing is valued and that they are supported in a ‘community’ of writers.
We intend that all children will:
Confidently communicate their thoughts, knowledge, ideas and emotions through their writing.
Write clearly, fluently and accurately.
Acquire a wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
Be able to assess their own learning
develop the essential characteristics of readers and writers through the use of the writing process and exposure to quality texts and experiences.
Furthermore, we want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening.
In EYFS and KS1, the focus is on listening and becoming orally confident in speaking in full sentences. Children are encouraged to act out and orally rehearse words and sentences before writing.
Listening skills are practised, as children are exposed to a wide range of stories, poems, rhymes and non- fiction books. The use of sentence stems, modelled orally and then practised by the children.
Correct pen grip and letter formation is taught from the Foundation Stage and practised each day and is taught alongside phonics. Once the children are confident with printing letters, children in Year 1 are introduced to cursive handwriting which we continue to embed in Year 2, and beyond if necessary.
The KS1 English curriculum is largely taught through daily RWinc. phonics by Ruth Miskin, which provides our learners with solid foundations for word reading and spelling. Reading books are phonetically accessible too. RWInc. Once the children have a secure knowledge of both the RWInc. set 1 and 2 sounds, they move onto learning year group specific spellings and spelling rules. The ‘Spelling Frame’ scheme is used, in order to further progress their knowledge and understanding.
Children are introduced to the writing process in KS1 in order to help them organise their thoughts and ideas when writing.
As our children progress through KS1, lessons are structured (with the ‘writing process’ in mind) to enable them to develop the essential knowledge and skills to craft a piece of writing over time, helping them to build their writing stamina and providing sufficient time to create a quality piece of work.
Throughout the school, children are exposed to quality texts and opportunities which inspire their writing and increase their vocabulary and knowledge. Clear links between reading and writing are made. Basic skills are embedded to encourage fluency.
Children are guided through a clear writing process and are aware of the year group expectations for writing, spelling and handwriting. We use CUPS for editing. We have daily SPaG lessons and use Spelling Frame.
Progression in all aspects of writing is planned for; by lesson, by term and by year. This includes all skills, genres and texts.
Continuous, formative assessment occurs through questioning of the children, discussions and reviewing their work. Children are encouraged to assess their own and others writing. Summative assessments are carried out termly and ‘published’ work is marked against the year group ‘toolkit’ checklist.
High quality teaching standards are ensured and good practice is shared.
Children who are not reaching the expected level for their year group are helped to progress by closing the gaps in their learning through a wide range of interventions.
At St. Michael’s, we foster a culture where writing is shared, valued and celebrated.
As children progress through St. Michael’s, they will know more and remember more about the skills required to be effective, confident writers. They will be able to confidently communicate their ideas, emotions, experiences and knowledge through their writing.
The children are engaged and thoughtful and try their best in lessons. Basic skills are thoroughly embedded and children make good progress.
Children’s oral communication skills are strengthened and they are able to orally communicate their thoughts, opinions, knowledge and ideas and use it to further their learning and that of others.
Through establishing strong writing skills, children are more equipped to access the entire curriculum and transition to secondary school with confidence and pride in their own ability.
Corinthians 2:1
For we write nothing else to you than what you read and understand and I hope you will understand until the end.