PE Funding
PE Funding
PE Funding
Term Dates

As a school we are committed to promoting achievement and raising standards in an environment which encourages all children to develop their talents and abilities to the full. We aim to provide a rich education for pupils of all abilities and take pride in, and celebrate their success . We believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit the school.
Children are considered to have special educational needs if they;
Have a learning, emotional, social or behavioural need which is significantly different from or in addition to the needs of the majority of children of the same age, or.
Have a physical disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local education authority
Our SENCO works with Class Teachers and parents / carers to ensure that children who have need of extra support are identified, and appropriate strategies put in place to ensure that their individual needs are met, enabling them to make optimum progress.
Some children with higher levels of need may require 1:1 support available through Higher Needs Funding, or in some cases an Education and Health Care Plan. We work closely with the Specialist Teaching Service and other outside agencies (such as Speech and Language Therapists and Physiotherapists) to plan for, and support children at this level. We also work closely with both pre-school settings and secondary schools to ensure that smooth transitions take place.
Admission arrangements for children with SEND
We recognise that starting a new child can be difficult for any child and aim to make this a positive experience for both children and parents.
We value all children and recognise that most children with special educational needs can be taught in a mainstream school and will work closely with parent’s to facilitate their wishes where possible.
We aim to work to provide a smooth transition into school for all children and recognised that additional visits and arrangements may be needed.
We welcome visits to the school to meet parents and discuss the individual needs of children and would recommend that you contact us to arrange an appointment to discuss your child’s individual needs with our SENCO.
Please see the Kent County Council website for further details on applying for and choosing schools if your child has SEND
Please find the KCC SEND strategy document here:
Should you have any queries about our Special Needs provision, please contact our SENCO, Mrs Elaine Stanford via the school office.
Our policy for Special Educational Needs and Disability policy and Positive Relationship policy can be found here.

Elaine Stanford - SENCO